How to overcome an addiction

Do you want to overcome an addiction but don't know how? Learn to manage the abandonment of any habit to remove it permanently from your life.
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Is there an addiction present in your life that you would like to say goodbye to forever? Have you tried everything to quit, but that bad habit for you always ends up coming back to your life? What can we do if we seek to quit an addiction permanently and without the risk of relapsing into it?

There are many addictions: alcohol, tobacco, sex, drugs, lying or stealing. Whatever yours is, the first step to overcome it is to recognize that there is a problem that we want to solve.

If you feel that your life is not as you would like it to be and you think that an addiction has something to do with it, then it is time to prepare a plan, seek the necessary help and prepare for the obstacles that you will surely face during the process.

If you want to learn how to end an addiction and you think it is time to start a new life much healthier and happier, then read on.

Ask yourself if you really want to quit

Before you start you will need to reflect on what are the most negative effects of your addiction. You will also have to explore what are all the benefits that await you once you have overcome it, as well as getting to commit yourself to quitting that habit for good.

Be clear about the most damaging effects of your addiction

It can be unpleasant to face the knowledge of everything that your addiction harms you, so it is best to write down the powerful reasons why you want to get away from it.

Think about how addiction affects you both physically and psychologically and the risks involved in keeping it in your life. It could be cancer, heart problems, or any other disease related to your addiction.

Many times, the damages are accentuated on the mental plane, where the addiction itself generates shame or complications such as depression, anxiety, among many other mental disorders.

In addition, addictions also have a direct impact on the social life of those who suffer from it. They interfere with the way you relate and the emotions you generate in others. Ask yourself if your addiction is taking time away from doing things with the people you love the most, like your family or friends.

Perhaps one of the most dangerous edges of any addiction we find in the financial plane. Just think a little about how much money your addiction is taking and how it affects your work.

You can also check what the focus of that addiction is. In other words, if you need to smoke a cigarette at each work break, you may have to reflect on how convenient your job is for you.

Make a list of the advantages of quitting your addiction

Once you are completely clear about all the negative consequences of your addiction, it is time to think about how to get rid of that unwanted habit.

Try to visualize yourself once that addiction does not exist and design your ideal life. You may see yourself as a freer person, with more time to spend with those who really matter to you. Maybe you look more wealthy or maybe you feel in better health, both physically and mentally. But nevertheless, you will love to see yourself as confident and proud of yourself again.

Write your commitment to leave it

If you already have your list of reasons why it is so beneficial for you to quit your addiction and, in addition, you have already understood why it is better to leave it than to continue with it, then it is time to commit.

Remember that no one but you can stop that addiction that bothers you so much, that is why you must commit to actions that mainly involve you.

Only you can:

  • Find abundance in your life.
  • Improve your finances.
  • Get along better with your loved ones.
  • Live many more years.

Establish an action plan

There are certain things you can do to organize your quitting the unwanted habit. From setting a date to start quitting, to talking to people who know what you're going through, these are extraordinary ideas that every addict can try.

Understanding why you have this addiction and what are the elements that drive you to it will also help you set up an environment conducive to your purposes.

Set the date of "goodbye"

How many times have you said that you quit tomorrow? The reality is that setting a date is simple, but it should be realistic and proportionate to the level of addiction.

Don't set a date too far out of the way either, as it won't work either.

The ideal is to decide to look for a day in which it is likely that you feel that you have already prepared yourself both physically and psychologically.

You can choose an important day for you, such as your birthday, your anniversary day or the day you finished an important project.

Be that as it may, mark that day on the calendar and place it on the day where it is visible enough, so that you have in mind the moment to say goodbye to your addiction forever.

Do not hesitate to consult a professional

You may not appreciate it now, but most people usually need specialized help at some point in the process of breaking away from addiction.

Contact someone who has been through the same thing as you

It is not always necessary to contact a psychologist or specialist, since the best help is also found in those who have been through your situation now or some time ago.

You can try to locate groups or associations of people who understand the specific addiction you are experiencing.

You can also talk to those closest to you and with whom you have the most confidence. You can explain to them how important it is for you to quit and ask them to help you within their means.

Look for the root of your addiction

Almost all addictions have a "trigger" that prompts the individual to relapse.

For example, for someone who wants to quit smoking, walking past the tobacco shop where they used to buy their cigarettes can become an unpleasant experience.

Just find out what those triggers are and learn how to manage them. Remember that it can be an activator from own stress, up to certain situations or people.

Try quitting gradually

Rather than trying to quit the addiction overnight, it works for many people to gradually quit.

Leave everything ready

Make sure that you have eliminated every last trace that can activate your addiction from your home, your car and your workplace.

Get rid of all those objects related to your habit and those things that can remind you that this addiction exists.

Feel free to replace anything in order to make yourself feel better. Sometimes giving a fresh touch to the places we frequent the most is a great way to overcome an addiction.

Learn to manage withdrawal

This is the phase most feared by an addict, but it is the one that is supposed to be final.

Tackling it effectively makes the difference between freeing yourself from addiction and staying attached to it much longer.

Give up addictive behavior as you have decided

When the day to quit your addiction has arrived, make sure you firmly keep your promise and do it.

The first few days may be tough, but if you find things to occupy yourself with and your attitude remains positive, then there is no doubt that you will quickly break free from addiction.

Occupy your time

Maybe you need activities to help distract you from the process you are going through.

Do exerciseLooking for a new hobby, like cooking or hanging out with friends can be great ways to occupy your time.

There are many ways to make new friends to help you start a new stage in your life away from addiction.

Stay away from triggers

A crucial part of your process of ending your addiction falls on the people, places, and things that make you want to go back to your old habits. You may need to build a new routine until the addiction is completely gone.

Don't accept your own reasoning

There is no doubt that the physical and mental discomfort experienced by a person who wants to quit an addiction is completely real.

Usually this is when your inner voice will start trying to convince you to revert to the unwanted habit. It is important that you do not listen to that voice and that you do not give up in the hardest moments. Every moment of anguish will have its reward in the end.

Slogan phrases may suddenly appear in your mind, such as: "Life is two days" or "What doesn't kill makes you fat", but this is where your attitude will play a decisive role.

Just go back to your old reasons for quitting and remember why you are doing all of this. Think about how important quitting is to you.

Don't let an eventual relapse be the end of your journey

Of course, no one is perfect and it is totally understandable that we all fail from time to time.

But this does not mean that you should give up completely and that this will return you to your old routine of habit and addiction.

If you have relapsed, just analyze what has happened and reflect on what changes you should adopt if it happens again. It is not necessary to do the entire route again, but we just have to take a little step back.

You don't need to judge yourself too harshly, remember that you are trying to do your best and all you can do is stand your ground against your goals.

Celebrate your achievements

Do something nice when you achieve those goals that bring you closer to the absolute elimination of the addiction that torments you. Any achievement is good to be celebrated, as hard work always feels so much better when it is rewarded.

Remember, if despite having firmly decided to give up your addiction but you do not succeed, you can contact a professional specialized in your addiction.

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