How to remove and prevent dental plaque: the most effective home treatments

What is plaque and why does it form on your teeth? Discover the home remedies to regain all the brightness of your smile right now!
Cómo eliminar y prevenir la placa dental: los tratamientos caseros más efectivos

Table of Contents

What is dental plaque and why does it form? What can you do to prevent dental plaque? What are the most effective tips for removing plaque from your teeth?

You already know that feeling of leaving with shiny white teeth after a dental cleaning at the dentist ...

But you are also aware that it does not usually last long. Within a few months or weeks, your teeth are back to that dull, yellowish color.

This color is due to dental plaque or biofilm. It is a substance manufactured by bacteria and that accumulates on the teeth above and below the gum line.

And it is not only visually unpleasant, but it can also be harmful to your teeth and gums if it is not treated in time.

Today you can learn how to take care of your mouth, to eliminate specificity of dental biofilm or plaque, and that you can boast of white and clean teeth for longer.

How to prevent dental plaque

The fastest way to get rid of plaque is essential: brush your teeth at least twice a day. Just make sure to replace your toothbrush once every 3-4 months or when you start to see that it's bad. You can go for an even better solution: the electric toothbrush is much more effective at treating plaque than a traditional toothbrush.

  1. Use dental floss to clean the underside of your teeth as well. Flossing is very easy. Take about 50 cm of thread and wrap each end around each of your middle fingers.
  2. Stretching the floss with the help of your thumbs and index fingers, gently insert the floss between two teeth.
  3. Make a gentle "C" motion on the side of each tooth. Rub in an upward and downward direction without breaking the floss.
  4. Repeat with each of your teeth, including the back pieces.

When you're done flossing, brush your teeth for a minimum of two minutes.

Start by putting some toothpaste on your toothbrush. The amount should not exceed the size of a pea (even less if it is a child).

Move the brush up and down over your teeth, maintaining a 45-degree angle to your gums.

Brush all surfaces, both internal and external, as well as the chewing surface and the tongue.

Plaque often builds up on teeth even after it's removed. That is why you can use some home remedies that help you eliminate the accumulation of plaque.

Try the oil extract

You can use oil extract, such as coconut or olive oil, to strengthen your teeth, prevent cavities, relieve gum pain and remove plaque.

The steps are very simple. Rinse your mouth with a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil for about 25 minutes (much longer than usual to use mouthwash). Coconut oil is associated with many benefits, including fatty acids such as lauric acid that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Use baking soda

Brushing your teeth with toothpaste rich in baking soda can help remove more plaque and less plaque growth than people who use toothpaste without baking soda.

Baking soda can be helpful in treating plaque because it is a natural and abrasive cleaner, which means it is handy to clean.

Other ways to do it easily

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