How to easily grow a dream garden

Cómo cultivar un jardín de ensueño fácilmente

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It's one of the most rewarding activities you can find: planting fragrant flowers or starting a vegetable garden can give you many benefits with just a little effort.

With the arrival of spring, an extraordinary time is approaching to start and take care of a great garden, but how do you start your own?

Choose the type of garden

Before you start you have to know if you are going to plant vegetables, herbs or flowers. If you choose flowers, you have to consider whether they will be annual (which you will have to replant every year) or perennial (which last year after year). Although you can always make mixtures, since after all, it is your garden. Just remember how all great things are born: start small. You know what they say, better to succeed with something small, than to fail with something big.

Decide where you are going to grow your garden

Most flowers and vegetables require sunlight on a daily basis, so choosing where to create your garden is of unrivaled importance. Take a good look at how the sun moves throughout the day, as it is easier for plants to tolerate shade than excess sun.

However, find out in advance how many hours of sunshine the flowers or vegetables you plan to plant need.

You can grow directly in the soil of your garden, but you can also do it in planters. You can buy your own planters on any DIY or home furnishing surface, but you can also build your own. If you plan to make your own planters, make sure you have the right tools. At a minimum, you will need wooden slats and a jigsaw.

Your garden has to be located in a place that you can easily access and that you can review without difficulty. It is also important that there is a water intake nearby, to simplify the watering task.

Conditions the soil

It is crucial to remove any traces of grass or weeds that exist on the surface where you are going to plant your garden.

You also have to take into account the use of compost or if the soil needs some repair. You can add rotting leaves, dry grass clippings, or manure.

Then wait a couple of weeks to understand how the soil works and how to improve it.

You may need to remove the soil so that the roots adhere more easily, but make sure it is not too wet or dry, as this could damage its structure. How to make sure it is in perfect condition? When you can form a loose ball in your fist, but dry enough to crumble when released.

Help yourself with a shovel to mix well the surface where you are going to plant your own garden or the flowers.

Choose what you are going to plant

Maybe you prefer to calmly review all your options, but there are other people who prefer to go straight to the point.

Whatever you are, you will have to choose plants adapted to your climate, your soil and the amount of sunlight available. You can even search the internet for where you buy your plants.

Some of the most popular plants are:

  • Annuals: with marigolds or geraniums.
  • Perennials: such as Russian sage or lilies
  • Vegetables: like tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini.

The cultivation begins

Some plants need to be planted in the fall or late winter, as they tolerate the cold well. However, other vegetables, such as tomatoes, are more sensitive to cold, so you need to wait for the winter to pass.

Generally, mid-spring to mid-summer is the best time to plant perennial flowers.

In any case, you need to research the information about when to plant, how deep and how far apart to keep between seeds.

You can also buy specific containers for your plants, as well as soil mixes. Just follow the instructions and place the containers on a windowsill with plenty of sunlight. The seeds should be kept moist, but not wet.

Water your garden

Your garden should never be dry. This is the reason why you need to water your plants every day, reducing the amount of water as they grow. The frequency of water depends on the soil, the humidity of the climate and the frequency with which it rains.

Try to water your garden slowly so that the water reaches its roots. Doing it very early in the morning prevents it from evaporating quickly.

Take advantage of the mulch

Cover the entire soil with mulch to keep weeds out and make watering easier. Depending on the type of plantation, you will have to choose a mulch that will decompose in a few months or that has a longer duration.

Develop your garden

If you have already got down to work, now you only need to keep watering when necessary. You will also need to remove weeds before they grow.

Your garden is on its way: with a little care and love, in a few months you will be seeing the fruit of all your efforts!

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